
scMaSigPro is designed to handle datasets with at least two branches and requires that cells be assigned exclusively to these branches. This vignette demonstrates how to evaluate datasets with common root cells using the scMaSigPro approach. We will utilize an object from Monocle3’s newCellDataSet class in this analysis.


Currently, scMaSigPro is available on GitHub and can be installed as follows:

Bioconductor and Dependencies

# Install Dependencies
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(version = "3.14")

BiocManager::install(c('SingleCellExperiment', 'maSigPro', 'MatrixGenerics', 'S4Vectors'))

scMaSigPro latest version

To install scMaSigPro from GitHub, use the following R code:

# Install devtools if not already installed
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {

# Install scMaSigPro
                         ref = "main",
                         build_vignettes = FALSE,
                         build_manual = TRUE,
                         upgrade = "never",
                         force = TRUE,
                         quiet = TRUE)


We will start by loading the necessary libraries.

## For plotting
## Install and load 'monocle3-1.3.4'

Simulated Data

For this vignette, we will use a simulated dataset containing 1,977 cells and 501 genes. The dataset was generated using the Dyntoy package and is sourced from the tradeSeq repository. This dataset has been simulated to have three branches and is analyzed with Monocle3 (version 1.3.4).


In the figure-A, we can see that the cells share a common root and then diverge into multiple branches. The cells first diverge into two branches and then into three branches. Figure B illustrates the elements of the trajectory used as input in scMaSigPro for the common root cells setup.

Hard Assignment of Cells

An important prerequisite for using scMaSigPro is the hard assignment of cells to branches. This means that each cell must be exclusively assigned to one branch. There are broadly two ways to assign cells:

  1. Hard assignment (0 and 1), where each cell belongs to only one branch.
  2. Soft assignment (0 to 1), where a cell can belong to multiple branches simultaneously.

In Monocle3, each cell is associated with only one branch, implying a hard assignment, which is suitable for scMaSigPro current version. On the other hand, tradeSeq can handle both hard and soft assignments. In Slingshot, for instance, cells can be part of multiple branches, which is a form of soft assignment. One key difference is that Slingshot assigns different pseudotimes to each branch, whereas Monocle3 uses a universal pseudotime for all branches.

Extracting Assignmnet

Load Object

## Read CDS from the server
cds <- readRDS(url(""))

Extracting Branch Assignments

We will follow the steps from the tradeSeq Vignette to extract the assignment of cells to branches. However, for the sake of simplicity, we will tweak these steps to avoid using the magrittr and monocle3 packages. Instead, we will use base R functions and directly access the S4 slots. 1

# Get the closest vertices for every cell
y_to_cells <-$UMAP$pr_graph_cell_proj_closest_vertex)
y_to_cells$cells <- rownames(y_to_cells)
y_to_cells$Y <- y_to_cells$V1

## Root Nodes
root <- cds@principal_graph_aux$UMAP$root_pr_nodes

## Extract MST (PQ Graph)
mst <- cds@principal_graph$UMAP

## All end-points
endpoints <- names(which(igraph::degree(mst) == 1))

## Root is also an endpoint so we remove it
endpoints <- endpoints[!endpoints %in% root]

## Extract
cellAssignments_list <- lapply(endpoints, function(endpoint) {
  # We find the path between the endpoint and the root
  path <- igraph::shortest_paths(mst, root, endpoint)$vpath[[1]]
  path <- as.character(path)
  # We find the cells that map along that path
  df <- y_to_cells[y_to_cells$Y %in% path, ]
  df <- data.frame(weights = as.numeric(colnames(cds@assays@data@listData$counts) %in% df$cells))
  colnames(df) <- endpoint

## Format
cellAssignments <- = "cbind", cellAssignments_list)
cellAssignments <- as.matrix(cellAssignments)

# Update columns
rownames(cellAssignments) <- colnames(cds@assays@data@listData$counts)
head(cellAssignments[c(20:30), ])
##     Y_1 Y_15 Y_18 Y_52 Y_65
## C20   0    0    0    1    0
## C21   1    1    1    1    1
## C22   0    0    0    1    0
## C23   0    0    0    1    0
## C24   0    0    0    1    1
## C25   1    0    1    0    0

scMaSigPro object

For this vignette, we will only consider three paths: the root, Y_18, and Y_15 (Refer Figure-A). We will remove the other paths and any cells that are part of those paths.

# Subset for 3 paths
cellAssignments <- cellAssignments[, c("Y_18", "Y_52", "Y_15"), drop = FALSE]

# Remove any of the cells which is not assigned to any path
cellAssignments <- cellAssignments[rowSums(cellAssignments) != 0, ]

# Create Cell Data
cellData <- data.frame(
  cell_id = rownames(cellAssignments),
  row.names = rownames(cellAssignments)

# Extract counts
counts <- cds@assays@data@listData$counts

# Subset counts
counts <- counts[, rownames(cellAssignments), drop = FALSE]

Creating Cell Metadata

Another important step is to label the elements (Refer to Figure-B). If a cell belongs to the root, then it is part of all the paths. If a cell is part of a link branch, then it is part of both the “Y_15 and Y_18” branches.

# Create Cell Metadata
cellData[["group"]] <- apply(cellAssignments, 1, FUN = function(x) {
  npath <- length(names(x[x == 1]))
  if (npath == 3) {
  } else if (npath == 2) {
    return(paste(names(x[x == 1]), collapse = "_links_"))
  } else {
    return(names(x[x == 1]))
##            root            Y_15            Y_18 Y_18_links_Y_15            Y_52 
##             453             307             676              43             498
# Extract from CDS
ptimes <- cds@principal_graph_aux$UMAP$pseudotime

# Remove cells which are not assigned to any path
ptimes <- ptimes[rownames(cellAssignments)]

# Assign to cellData
cellData[["m3_pseudotime"]] <- ptimes

Creating Object

# Create Object
multi_scmp_ob <- create_scmp(
  counts = counts,
  cell_data = cellData,
  ptime_col = "m3_pseudotime",
  path_col = "group",
  use_as_bin = FALSE
## Class: ScMaSigProClass
## nCells: 1977
## nFeatures: 501
## Pseudotime Range: 0 62.806
## Branching Paths: root, Y_15, Y_52, Y_18, Y_18_links_Y_15

Each Branch as a Group (Approach-1)

The first approach to using scMaSigPro to analyze branches with common cells is to consider the common cells as a separate group. For the interpretation we will evaluate whether a particular gene’s expression in the common root cells and it’s downstream branch is similar.

Perform Binning

## Pseudotime based binning
multi_scmp_ob_A <- sc.squeeze(multi_scmp_ob)

## Plot bin information

Each Branch as a group

In the above figure, we can see that scMaSigPro considers each group as a separate branch. Running scMaSigPro with this configuration will lead to a different interpretation of the data. This will help us evalute whether the expression changes across branches compared to root. If you want to consider the common root cells and branches together, you can follow the next section.

Additionally, we can see that the common root cells and the resulting branches have the same values of binned pseudotime values. This is because the binning is performed independently over each branch.

Running Workflow

# Polynomial Degree 2
multi_scmp_ob_A <- sc.set.poly(multi_scmp_ob_A, poly_degree = 3)

# Detect non-flat profiles
multi_scmp_ob_A <- sc.p.vector(
  verbose = FALSE

# Model refinement
multi_scmp_ob_A <-
  verbose = FALSE

# Apply filter
multi_scmp_ob_A <- sc.filter(
  scmpObj = multi_scmp_ob_A,
  rsq = 0.55,
  vars = "groups",
  intercept = "dummy",
  includeInflu = TRUE

# Plot upset

Upset Plot

In the upset plot above, we can see that there are 294 genes which change among branches and also change with pseudotime. We will explore them later. First, let’s look at the genes that have similar expression in the “root”, “Y_18_links_Y_15vsroot” (link) and “Y_18” (branch).

scMaSigPro treated the “root” as the reference for all branches. Let’s extract the intersection information from the scMaSigPro object. Starting from scMaSigPro version 0.0.4, the plotIntersect(return = TRUE) function can be used to extract the intersection information from the object as a dataframe.

Significant Genes

shared_genes <- plotIntersect(multi_scmp_ob_A, return = TRUE)
##     Y_15vsroot Y_18vsroot Y_18_links_Y_15vsroot Y_52vsroot root
## G3           1          1                     1          1    1
## G7           1          1                     1          1    1
## G9           1          1                     1          1    1
## G10          1          1                     1          1    1
## G11          1          1                     1          1    1
## G12          1          1                     1          1    1
## Similar expression in root, "Y_18_links_Y_15vsroot" and "Y_15"
gene_br_Y_15 <- rownames(shared_genes[shared_genes$Y_52vsroot == 1 &
  shared_genes$Y_18vsroot == 1 &
  shared_genes$Y_15vsroot == 0 &
  shared_genes$root == 1 &
  shared_genes$Y_18_links_Y_15vsroot == 0, ])
plotTrend(multi_scmp_ob_A, feature_id = "G42", points = F, lines = T)


In the above plot, we can see that the gene G42 has a similar expression in the “root”, “Y_18_links_Y_15vsroot,” and “Y_15.”. This is a good example of how scMaSigPro can be used to identify genes that are showing similar patterns in the common root cells and how different is it in other branches. The main idea is to set the root as a reference and then compare the branches to the root.

Next we can explore the 294 genes that we have in the intersection. As it is hard to see them all at once, we will first perform clustering and then look at them in groups.

## Perform Clustering
multi_scmp_ob_A <- scMaSigPro::sc.cluster.trend(multi_scmp_ob_A)

# Plot Clusters
plotTrendCluster(multi_scmp_ob_A, verbose = FALSE, loess_span = 0.8)


Ordering Common Cells (Approach-2)

Another approach is to reorder the pseudotime bins, meaning the bins representing the common root cells are ordered first, followed by the bins of the branches. This helps compare the gene expression of the common root cells togther with the downstream branches.

Reorder Bins Manually

Extract Binned Data

binned_data <- cDense(multi_scmp_ob_A)
head(binned_data[, -2])
##            scmp_binned_pseudotime   scmp_bin group scmp_bin_size scmp_l_bound
## root_bin_1                      1 root_bin_1  root           184         0.00
## root_bin_2                      2 root_bin_2  root            75         2.22
## root_bin_3                      3 root_bin_3  root            17         4.45
## root_bin_4                      4 root_bin_4  root            46         6.67
## root_bin_5                      5 root_bin_5  root            49         8.90
## root_bin_6                      6 root_bin_6  root            32        11.10
##            scmp_u_bound
## root_bin_1         2.22
## root_bin_2         4.45
## root_bin_3         6.67
## root_bin_4         8.90
## root_bin_5        11.10
## root_bin_6        13.30

Create Bin Data for Root + Y_52

The main idea is to update the values in the binned pseudotime column using an offset. Based on our dataset, we observe that Y_52 is a branch that directly originated from the Root. Therefore, the bins of the Y_52 branch should be aligned right after it. This means that the offset for the Y_52 branch will be the maximum value of the binned pseudotime of the root branch.

## Create a new df
Y_52_binned_data <- binned_data[binned_data$group %in% c("root", "Y_52"), , drop = FALSE]

## Calculate Offset (Max Value of the root)
Y_52_offset <- max(Y_52_binned_data[Y_52_binned_data$group == "root", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"])

## Add offset
Y_52_binned_data[Y_52_binned_data$group == "Y_52", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"] <- Y_52_binned_data[Y_52_binned_data$group == "Y_52", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"] + Y_52_offset

## Update bins and rownames
Y_52_binned_data$group2 <- "Y_52"
rownames(Y_52_binned_data) <- paste(Y_52_binned_data$group2, Y_52_binned_data$scmp_binned_pseudotime, sep = "_bin_")

head(Y_52_binned_data[, -2])
##            scmp_binned_pseudotime   scmp_bin group scmp_bin_size scmp_l_bound
## Y_52_bin_1                      1 root_bin_1  root           184         0.00
## Y_52_bin_2                      2 root_bin_2  root            75         2.22
## Y_52_bin_3                      3 root_bin_3  root            17         4.45
## Y_52_bin_4                      4 root_bin_4  root            46         6.67
## Y_52_bin_5                      5 root_bin_5  root            49         8.90
## Y_52_bin_6                      6 root_bin_6  root            32        11.10
##            scmp_u_bound group2
## Y_52_bin_1         2.22   Y_52
## Y_52_bin_2         4.45   Y_52
## Y_52_bin_3         6.67   Y_52
## Y_52_bin_4         8.90   Y_52
## Y_52_bin_5        11.10   Y_52
## Y_52_bin_6        13.30   Y_52

For the other branches we will add an offset of both “link” and “Y_15|Y_18”.

## Create a new df
Y_18_binned_data <- binned_data[binned_data$group %in% c("root", "Y_18_links_Y_15", "Y_18"), , drop = FALSE]
Y_15_binned_data <- binned_data[binned_data$group %in% c("root", "Y_18_links_Y_15", "Y_15"), , drop = FALSE]

## Calculate Offset (Max Value of the root and Link)
Y_18_root_offset <- max(Y_18_binned_data[Y_18_binned_data$group == "root", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"])
Y_18_link_offset <- max(Y_18_binned_data[Y_18_binned_data$group == "Y_18_links_Y_15", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"])

## Add link offset to branch Y_18
Y_18_binned_data[Y_18_binned_data$group == "Y_18", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"] <- Y_18_binned_data[Y_18_binned_data$group == "Y_18", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"] + Y_18_link_offset
Y_15_binned_data[Y_15_binned_data$group == "Y_15", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"] <- Y_15_binned_data[Y_15_binned_data$group == "Y_15", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"] + Y_18_link_offset

## Add root offset to (link+ branch)
Y_18_binned_data[Y_18_binned_data$group != "root", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"] <- Y_18_binned_data[Y_18_binned_data$group != "root", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"] + Y_18_root_offset
Y_15_binned_data[Y_15_binned_data$group != "root", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"] <- Y_15_binned_data[Y_15_binned_data$group != "root", "scmp_binned_pseudotime"] + Y_18_root_offset

## Update bins and rownames
Y_18_binned_data$group2 <- "Y_18"
rownames(Y_18_binned_data) <- paste(Y_18_binned_data$group2, Y_18_binned_data$scmp_binned_pseudotime, sep = "_bin_")
Y_15_binned_data$group2 <- "Y_15"
rownames(Y_15_binned_data) <- paste(Y_15_binned_data$group2, Y_15_binned_data$scmp_binned_pseudotime, sep = "_bin_")

# Create plot
ggplot() +
    data = Y_18_binned_data,
    aes(x = scmp_binned_pseudotime, y = group), fill = "blue", alpha = 0.2
  ) +
    data = Y_18_binned_data,
    aes(x = scmp_binned_pseudotime, y = group2), fill = "red", alpha = 0.2
  ) +

Manual Bin

As we can see above, the tiles in red represent the original bins, while the blue represents the new bins “Y_18”. At the end, we also observe the overlap where the original bins of branch Y_18 are shifted to the end.


## Combine all metadata
new_binned_data <- rbind(Y_52_binned_data, Y_18_binned_data, Y_15_binned_data)

## Create a new object
multi_scmp_ob_A_manual <- multi_scmp_ob_A

## Update dense Metadata slot
cDense(multi_scmp_ob_A_manual) <- new_binned_data

## Set the group used for binning
multi_scmp_ob_A_manual@Parameters@path_col <- "group2"

## Perform Aggregation
multi_scmp_ob_A_manual <- pb_counts(
  scmpObj = multi_scmp_ob_A_manual,
  assay_name = "counts",

## Plot

Manual Bins

From scMaSigPro version 0.0.4 onwards, a wrapper function was introduced to assist in ordering the bins. The working of the wrapper function sc.restruct() is shown below, and it works on fairly simplified datasets like the one demonstrated in this vignette.

Reorder Bins with sc.restruct()

## Showcase sc.restruct wrapper
multi_scmp_ob_B <- sc.restruct(multi_scmp_ob_A,
  end_node_list = list("Y_15", "Y_18", "Y_52"),
  root_node = "root", link_node_list = list("Y_18_links_Y_15"),
  verbose = FALSE, link_sep = "_links_", assay_name = "counts", aggregate = "sum"
# Show the new path

Reconstructed Path Bins

As we see in the plot above, the sc.restruct() wrapper function performs the exact transformations internally. For future updates (CRAN version), we will offer a Shiny-based solution that can effectively handle more complicated datasets. However, as of scMaSigPro version 0.0.4, users are required to either use sc.restruct() or manually order the datasets.

Running Workflow

# Polynomial Degree 2
multi_scmp_ob_B <- sc.set.poly(multi_scmp_ob_B, poly_degree = 3)

# Detect non-flat profiles
multi_scmp_ob_B <- sc.p.vector(
  verbose = FALSE

# Model refinement
multi_scmp_ob_B <-
  verbose = FALSE

# Apply filter
multi_scmp_ob_B <- sc.filter(
  scmpObj = multi_scmp_ob_B,
  rsq = 0.5,
  vars = "groups",
  intercept = "dummy",
  includeInflu = TRUE

# Plot upset

Now, in the above scenario, Y_15 is treated as the reference, and we will look at the genes that are expressed differently compared to this branch. This approach will help us understand how genes are changing across the branches while considering the root cells for each of the downstream branches.

Significant Genes

## Perform Clustering
multi_scmp_ob_B <- sc.cluster.trend(multi_scmp_ob_B,
  k = 4, cluster_method = "kmeans"

## Plot Clusters
plotTrendCluster(multi_scmp_ob_B, verbose = FALSE)

Clusters of ordered data

Session Info

sessionInfo(package = "scMaSigPro")
## R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/ 
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=es_ES.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=es_ES.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=es_ES.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## time zone: Europe/Madrid
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## character(0)
## other attached packages:
## [1] scMaSigPro_0.0.4
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] bitops_1.0-7                gridExtra_2.3              
##   [3] rlang_1.1.3                 magrittr_2.0.3             
##   [5] RcppAnnoy_0.0.22            matrixStats_1.2.0          
##   [7] e1071_1.7-14                compiler_4.3.0             
##   [9] mgcv_1.9-1                  venn_1.11                  
##  [11] systemfonts_1.0.5           vctrs_0.6.5                
##  [13] stringr_1.5.1               pkgconfig_2.0.3            
##  [15] crayon_1.5.2                fastmap_1.1.1              
##  [17] XVector_0.42.0              ellipsis_0.3.2             
##  [19] labeling_0.4.3              utf8_1.2.4                 
##  [21] promises_1.2.1              rmarkdown_2.25             
##  [23] grDevices_4.3.0             UpSetR_1.4.0               
##  [25] ragg_1.2.7                  purrr_1.0.2                
##  [27] xfun_0.42                   zlibbioc_1.48.0            
##  [29] cachem_1.0.8                graphics_4.3.0             
##  [31] GenomeInfoDb_1.38.6         jsonlite_1.8.8             
##  [33] highr_0.10                  later_1.3.2                
##  [35] DelayedArray_0.28.0         terra_1.7-71               
##  [37] parallel_4.3.0              R6_2.5.1                   
##  [39] bslib_0.6.1                 stringi_1.8.3              
##  [41] parallelly_1.37.0           GenomicRanges_1.54.1       
##  [43] jquerylib_0.1.4             assertthat_0.2.1           
##  [45] Rcpp_1.0.12                 bookdown_0.37              
##  [47] SummarizedExperiment_1.32.0 knitr_1.45                 
##  [49] IRanges_2.36.0              splines_4.3.0              
##  [51] httpuv_1.6.14               Matrix_1.6-5               
##  [53] igraph_1.6.0                tidyselect_1.2.0           
##  [55] rstudioapi_0.15.0           abind_1.4-5                
##  [57] yaml_2.3.8                  codetools_0.2-19           
##  [59] admisc_0.34                 plyr_1.8.9                 
##  [61] lattice_0.22-5              tibble_3.2.1               
##  [63] Biobase_2.62.0              shiny_1.8.0                
##  [65] withr_3.0.0                 evaluate_0.23              
##  [67] base_4.3.0                  desc_1.4.3                 
##  [69] proxy_0.4-27                mclust_6.0.1               
##  [71] pillar_1.9.0                BiocManager_1.30.22        
##  [73] MatrixGenerics_1.14.0       stats4_4.3.0               
##  [75] plotly_4.10.4               generics_0.1.3             
##  [77] RCurl_1.98-1.14             S4Vectors_0.40.2           
##  [79] ggplot2_3.5.1               munsell_0.5.0              
##  [81] scales_1.3.0                BiocStyle_2.30.0           
##  [83] stats_4.3.0                 xtable_1.8-4               
##  [85] class_7.3-22                glue_1.7.0                 
##  [87] lazyeval_0.2.2              tools_4.3.0                
##  [89] datasets_4.3.0              data.table_1.15.0          
##  [91] fs_1.6.3                    grid_4.3.0                 
##  [93] utils_4.3.0                 tidyr_1.3.1                
##  [95] methods_4.3.0               colorspace_2.1-0           
##  [97] SingleCellExperiment_1.24.0 nlme_3.1-164               
##  [99] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.11     cli_3.6.2                  
## [101] textshaping_0.3.7           fansi_1.0.6                
## [103] S4Arrays_1.2.0              viridisLite_0.4.2          
## [105] dplyr_1.1.4                 gtable_0.3.4               
## [107] sass_0.4.8                  digest_0.6.34              
## [109] BiocGenerics_0.48.1         SparseArray_1.2.4          
## [111] farver_2.1.1                htmlwidgets_1.6.4          
## [113] memoise_2.0.1               maSigPro_1.74.0            
## [115] entropy_1.3.1               htmltools_0.5.7            
## [117] pkgdown_2.0.7               lifecycle_1.0.4            
## [119] httr_1.4.7                  mime_0.12                  
## [121] MASS_7.3-60

  1. We extracted the vertex from UMAP and the trajectory was learned on tSNE. This is because our CDS object has the tSNE coordinates stored in the UMAP slot. This was done because monocle3::learn_graph() does not work with tSNE coordinates. You can read more about this issue on monocle3-issues/242↩︎