`sc.squeeze()` discretizes a continuous time series column into bins of equal size using entropy-based binning method. It automatically calculates the optimal number of bins using one of the supported methods.
ptime_col = scmpObj@Parameters@ptime_col,
path_col = scmpObj@Parameters@path_col,
bin_method = "Sturges",
drop_fac = 1,
verbose = FALSE,
bin_mem_col = "scmp_bin_members",
bin_col = "scmp_bin",
bin_size_col = "scmp_bin_size",
bin_ptime_col = "scmp_binned_pseudotime",
split_bins = FALSE,
prune_bins = FALSE,
assay_name = "counts",
drop_trails = FALSE,
aggregate = "sum",
fill_gaps = FALSE,
additional_params = list(use_unique_time_points = FALSE)
An object of class ScMaSigPro
A character string representing the column name for inferred Pseudotime values in 'Sparse' data. (Default is "Pseudotime").
A character string representing the column name for branching path assignment in 'Sparse' or 'Dense' data. (Default is `path_prefix`).
A character string representing the algorithm used for binning. Available options: "Freedman.Diaconis", "Sqrt", "Sturges", "Rice", "Doane", and "Scott.Normal". (Default = "Sturges")
A numeric value specifying the factor by which to adjust the number of bins if the initial binning results in too many/few bins. (Default = 1).
Print detailed output in the console. (Default is TRUE)
A character string representing the name of the column in which cells per bin are stored. (Default is "scmp_bin_members").
A character string representing the name of the column in which bin labels are stored. (Default is "scmp_bin").
A character string representing the name of the column in which bin sizes per bin are stored. (Default is "scmp_bin_size").
A character string representing the column name for binned Pseudotime values in 'Dense' data. (Default is "scmp_binned_pseudotime").
If bin sizes are greater than mean + sd, split the bin into smaller bins by re-running the sc.squeeze() function. (Default = FALSE).
If bin sizes are smaller than mean - sd, remove the bin. (Default = FALSE).
Name of the Assay in sparse data from which the counts are used. (Default = "counts").
If the paths have different lengths of the binned pseudotime, drop the bins from the path with more bins. (Default = FALSE).
A character string specifying the method to aggregate counts within each cluster. Available options are 'mean' or 'sum'. (Default = "sum").
If corresponding bin is missing for a time-point, pull the successive bins and fill the gaps.
Pass additional parameters as a named list. See examples
An object of class ScMaSigPro
, with updated `Dense`
, discretize